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Version: 1.16.0

Platforms capabilities and limitations

This library relies on WindowInsetsCompat API on Android and keyboard listeners (NotificationCenter) on iOS.

Since two platforms are totally different (see below for more details) the purpose of this API is to provide a common API for both platforms, which will work in the same way on both platforms, but at the same time give an access to all power of the platform features.


To track each keyboard frame in Android you need to perform 3 steps:

  • enter edge-to-edge mode (KeyboardControllerView already does it for you, and KeyboardProvider uses KeyboardControllerView, so once you've wrapped your app in KeyboardProvider - you've completed this step 🎉).
  • change android:windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize (this library exposes KeyboardController and you can change it in runtime - default hooks changes soft input mode on mount and restore default behavior on unmount, but you can control it as you wish (change mode on focus/unfocus screen etc.)) - this is needed to deliver the best backward compatibility and prevent automatic window resizing (adjustResize + edge-to-edge makes window not automatically resizable anymore);
  • setup WindowInsetsAnimationCallback and track keyboard frames. KeyboardControllerView maps events from this callback and forward them in onKeyboardMove callback on JS side (KeyboardProvider handles it and maps these events to Animated values + stores it in context).


iOS doesn't give an API to track each keyboard frame. But it gives an information when keyboard will appear and when it appeared (i.e. the start and the end of the keyboard movement) and also it schedules layout animation.

Non discrete values

Unlike Android, progress value on iOS will have only two values (0 or 1) - i.e. it will not have an intermediate values, like 0.07, 0.12, 0.27 etc (same is applied to height property - it doesn't have an intermediate values). It's not a big problem, but some interpolations (which are relying on intermediate values) may not work properly.

If you are animating non UI props (such as width, height, etc.) and you need to have intermediate values - consider to use useKeyboardHandler hook.