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Version: 1.16.0



If you found an incompatibility or conflict with other open source libraries - don't hesitate to open an issue. It will help the project 🙏


Below you can find an information about compatibility with react-native package per different architectures.

Fabric (new) architecture

Starting from 1.2.0 this library adds support for a new architecture called Fabric. Since a new architecture is still in adoption stage and it changes some APIs over time - it's highly recommended to use versions which are compatible and were intensively tested against specific react-native versions.

Below you can find a table with supported versions:

library versionreact-native version

Paper (old) architecture

This library supports as minimal react-native version as possible. However it was decided to drop a support for some really old versions for better development workflow and future support.

library versionreact-native version


This library is heavily relies on react-native-reanimated primitives to bring advanced concepts for keyboard handling.

The minimum supported version of react-native-reanimated is 3.0.0 (as officially supported by react-native-reanimated team).

Third-party libraries compatibility

Since this library uses WindowInsetsCompat API on Android it may conflict with other libraries if they are using deprecated API (if they are changing window flags directly).

For example react-native-screens were using old API, so if you are using StatusBar management from react-native-screens you'll need to use at least 3.14+ version. Otherwise it will break keyboard animations.

StatusBar component from react-native is also using deprecated API. In order to allow better compatibility - react-native-keyboard-controller monkey-patches this component (hopefully soon they will change an approach and will rewrite this component to new API).

If you know other 3rd party libraries that may be using deprecated API, please open an issue and we'll try to fix it.