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Version: 1.16.0

Interactive Keyboard

This guide focuses on adding an ability to dismiss keyboard interactively. Below you can see a step by step guide which will explain how different pieces of the code work together.


Start point

First of all let's consider a simple example and layout for typical chat application. Of course in real-application layout will be much more complex, but since it's a guide we will consider an over-simplified example to get a main idea.

<Messages />

Adding KeyboardGestureArea

To make interactive dismissing work on Android we need to add KeyboardGestureArea view. This view will track all gestures and will control the keyboard positioning. To customize the way how the keyboard will be dismissed you can specify interpolator prop.

In order to recognize all gestures on a ScrollView we need to wrap a ScrollView within KeyboardGestureArea:

<KeyboardGestureArea interpolator="ios">
<Messages />

Reacting on keyboard movement

Basically useKeyboardAnimation/useReanimatedKeyboardAnimation will update animated values as keyboard moves. But if you want to differ plain keyboard movements (when it shows/hides because of TextInput gets focused/unfocused) and interactive keyboard movement, then you can use useKeyboardHandler hook and specify onInteractive handler as shown below:

onInteractive: (e) => {
// your handler for interactive keyboard movement


The interactive keyboard dismissing works well out-of-box in react-native using InputAccessoryView. However if you are not satisfied with the usage of InputAccessoryView - you can try to utilize the functionality of this library.

For that you'll need to follow a pattern from above and add onInteractive handler if you are using useKeyboardHandler hook. If you are using useKeyboardAnimation or useReanimatedKeyboardAnimation hooks then no extra actions are required - these hooks will update its values automatically, when keyboard gets moved because of interactive dismissal.

Full examples

To see full examples of interactive keyboard handling you may have a look on corresponding android and ios example apps.